The One About Copying Others

As someone who’s been around the marketing block more times than I can count, I’ve discovered a couple of sentences a client or partner can say that strike fear in my heart. And they go a little something like this...“I like what this other brand is doing. Don’t copy it, but make mine just like it.” Oh, man. I’m cringing just thinking about it.

I then have to have a tough conversation with them about why that is an absolutely terrible idea. Unfortunately, it’s a conversation I’ve become good at handling.

Here’s the gist: Too many brands are worrying about what other brands (mostly direct competitors) are doing. If they’re trying to copycat anything someone else is doing, they aren’t creating any differentiators. At best, they’ll end up splitting the market instead of dominating it, hitting a glass ceiling, and wondering why company culture is eroding. If a client or prospect loves something else they see in the market, you’ll have no idea what went into creating it or if it’s even successful. One thing you can be sure of is that it won’t work for your client because it’s not true to who they are.

Here’s the idea: HELP THEM BE THEMSELVES. Of course, you’ll want to ease into it. Ask open-ended questions from the point of empathy. You’re concerned about their decision, so get them to talk themselves off the ledge, and you’ll earn major trust points.

Once they’ve seen the light, help them take their unique self to market. The entire point is to look authentic and genuine, customers will be at ease when they interact with the brand, and you’ll help them leave the competitors’ marketing they loved so much in the dust. The chances of resonating with your client’s best customers will go off the charts. And, as a bonus, it can’t be copied. Now everyone else will be chasing the brand you created together.

Resonant Pixel Company

Founder & CEO of Resonant Pixel Co.  I've been creating websites since 1996, started with Squarespace in 2010, and now create and manage website as a productized service.

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